GHz services

DESIGN BUREAU: HVAC Products & Systems

GHz Services is one of the UK’s leading HVAC Design Bureau Sales Consultants based in London, working on many of the Capital’s most well-known buildings. While their products may blow you away, their branding left chills down our spine. It was our turn to develop the consultancy in a new space, the digital space, with a new brand identity and social marketing.

A short fast paced example of what to expect from GHz

To evoke the trust and intelligence this brand delivers, Psykey landed on a baby blue, which proudly promoted their infancy in the digital field. Despite being based in many skyscrapers, we gave them a hand within the cloud. Its blue colour and clean illustrations promote the composed yet hands-on approach from GHz services. An area of focus that meant a lot to the client was to use new(ish) tech to speed up the adding contact process, giving the old school business card a new life. It's no longer just a place to write down your shopping notes, but now a way to improve communication.

Though you may not be familiar with products supplied by GHz; it's fair to say if you have ever been to The City you will have seen the glass and steel that surrounds their equipment.

To name but a few:
The Shard
100 Liverpool street
One Canada Square
22 Bishopsgate
80 Strand

We really enjoyed working with psykey, their creativity, ideas and imagination was a breath of fresh air. We had no idea that a 15 second film could appeal so much to our customers.

Guy Hutchins, Managing Director, GHz services

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